Monday, December 7, 2009

Reaching Milestones ...

I love being a mom but I'm torn over how fast my three children are growing up. They're 9, 7 and 6 and, as the saying goes, time is flying by. Before my eyes, they are creating their own unique personalities and becoming more independent. Lucas is my peacemaker/pleaser while Lauren, my artist, is always ready to stir things up. Logan, my youngest, is a bit shy and loves to play any and all sports. They still need me, of course, but not as much as they used to, which is good and bad.

I miss the days when they were babies and would snuggle up and fall asleep on my chest. I fondly remember the way they wobbled across the room with their first steps as they made their way from mommy to daddy. And I still cherish some of their first words. One of my favorites is when Lucas, my oldest, would say "ya ya" as his way of saying thank you.

While I do sometimes wish for those sweeter, innocent days, I've also learned to embrace new milestones in our family. Just recently, my two oldest children reached a new one. And when I say reached, I mean it, literally. They can now reach the lower tiers of our upper kitchen cabinets which is where the plates, bowls and cups are stored. And so, there is our milestone.

Lucas and Lauren have now been granted the tedious job of unloading the dishwasher. Ahhhh. Let's me take a moment right now to celebrate. Ahhhh. I don't know if you realize how happy this makes me. I know it only takes 3-5 minutes but, as a child, it was my job and it was never-ending, just as it is today. I grew to despise it and I still do. So I'm celebrating the fact that it's NOT my job anymore.

Ahhh (By the way, I'm smiling) :)

And now, I wait for the inevitable .. for my youngest child to grow big enough to also share the job.

What comes to mind is the list of other jobs they can start taking over ... folding laundry .. sweeping the kitchen floor. The list will eventually grow endless. It's a fact, I realize, that will make me happy and sad.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Post Oprah ... Holidays

It's been a while since I've blogged, but can you blame me? I've been very busy with my Oprah visit and appearance on her show. :) What an exciting month it's been. In case you missed it, a few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to score tickets to sit in Oprah's audience. Mo'Nique, who starred in the new movie "Precious," and Anderson Cooper from CNN were the guests. The guests/topics were okay. Oprah, though, was great! She talked to the audience and was very gracious, thanking us for making special arrangements to come see the show. All in all, it was a wonderful experience. I didn't get on TV or anything .. on that visit. You could see the back of my head in the audience. Oh yeah, and we had great seats. I went with three of my friends and we were seated in the fourth row. Then, last Thursday, I WAS on the Oprah show. A little over a month ago I was shopping at Woodfield mall with those same friends when an Oprah show producer asked if she could ask us some questions, on camera, about men's fashions. My very short bit of interview aired last Thursday. It was VERY exciting. Really .. how many people can say they were on the Oprah Winfrey Show? I can. :)

Now that I've settled into my national celebrity .. hee hee .. it's time to think about the holidays. Our big dilemma this year is whether we want to wake up on Christmas morning at our house(which we never do) or travel to my parent's house. Initially, we decided to begin our own family tradition by staying home, but then my 10-year old son said he wanted to wake up at Nana and Poppy's house because he wanted to be near all of his family, including his cousins. Aww. I was touched that he understands how important it is to spend special moments with family. Then again, I was looking forward to NOT having to pack up the van and the car topper with presents. It's still under consideration. First, we have to get through Thanksgiving. :)

Have a great holiday.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Oprah Story - Part Two

Have I kept you waiting long enough? I know. That really wasn't fair. But I rarely get a chance to be dramatic and suspensful so I had to play it up. Okay here's the rest of the Oprah story :

On Tuesday, my friend Gretchen called to tell me the "The Oprah Show" called her regarding her weekend interview. (We'd both been interviewed by an Oprah show producer about what drives us crazy about men's fashions.) Gretchen specifically talked about how she really dislikes it when men don't properly groom (manscape) themselves.

It so happens that during the interview she mentioned that her husband (who is super nice) is kind of a hairy guy. So, when producers called on Tuesday, they asked Gretchen to send pictures of her hairy husband. I laughed and laughed. And then I asked if she was going to do it. At that point, she hadn't talked to her husband and didn't know if he was going to agree. She also had reservations about putting her husband on the spot and didn't know if it was a good idea, either. Since then, he's come around but has asked her not to send one specific picture she found (I guess it's pretty bad).

I'm still not sure if she's going to do it. What they want to do is use her voice and show pictures of her husband.

I also haven't lost hope .. I could still make the cut. We'll see. I'll keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Aha" Moment

I'm home sick today so I finally have time to tell you about my exciting story from this past weekend. I'm calling it my "Aha" moment (in a tongue-and-cheek kind-of-way)and you'll know why in a moment.

You recognize the phrase, right? Oprah Winfrey uses it all the time on her talk show and in her magazine when she's talking about a defining moment in her life in which she gains a new understanding of her purpose and goals.

So my "Aha" moment came this past weekend when I was walking through Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg, Illinois. A friend and I were approached by a woman who said she was from "The Ober Show" and asked if she could ask us some questions on-camera about what drives us crazy about men's fashions. It was then I noticed the camera crew behind her. I asked her again, "What show are you from?" She said, "The Oprah Winfrey Show." I had obviously misunderstood her the first time. It was at that point that I had my "Aha" moment. My purpose and goal, at this point in time, was to get my mug on national TV. THE OPRAH WINFREY SHOW!! Yeah!!

So my friend Gretchen and I stood side-by-side and answered questions about what drives us crazy about our husband's fashion sense. I think the term is "We threw our husbands under the bus" so we could get on Oprah. Yep, during the interview, I ripped on my husband's favorite fishing hat and all his hole-y TV-shirts. Gretchen talked about how it drives her crazy when men didn't properly groom (manscape) themselves. (Her hubby has a lot of hair.) Sorry, Mark. :)

Because I felt a little guilty about my comments, I immediately called my husband after the interview and told him what I had done. He told me "That's okay, honey." What a great husband!!!

Anyway, Gretchen and I thought we gave pretty witty and smart comments so we were thinking we'd make the cut. :) If we did make it on the show, it would just be a quick sound bite, but still ... it's national TV.

Then, yesterday, Gretchen calls me to tell me "The Oprah Show" called. I think I screamed a happy scream. "What did they say?" I asked.

And I'll tell you about that tomorrow ....

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Halloween Decorations? Not at the Flagg house.

I'm depriving my children. Simply because I'm lazy. We're two weeks away from Halloween and not one decoration is up at my house. I keep telling myself that TODAY will be the day that I trudge down to the basement and search through the tubs of crap to get out the few decorations that I've got, including the HUGE Homer Simpson Dracula blow-up thingie. (Believe it or not, a neighbor gave us Homer.)

We don't even have a pumpkin. My kids don't seem to mind and haven't really asked but I feel like it's my job as mom to decorate for each "holiday."

So I make this promise .. TODAY you'll see decorations on my door and jack-o-lanterns in my window and maybe this weekend we'll even get those pumpkins.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Taste Test : The Best Ice Cream Sandwiches

If you know me at all, then you know I am a little obsessed with food. I LOVE food! I love to eat it. I love to hear about it. I love to talk about it. I love to read about it. I love to watch it being cooked on the Food Network. I love to rip out new recipes. I LOVE food! So with that said, I want to tell you about a taste test I came across identifying the BEST ICE CREAM SANDWICHES.

I have fond memories of ice cream sandwiches. (Okay, I'll admit, that statement is a little weird.) As a child, my mom always gave me a quarter to buy an ice cream sandwich at school lunch. I remember one day I was standing in line, waiting with anticipation to buy my ice cream sandwich when suddenly my quarter slipped from my hands and rolled away, under a table, into a mass of feet. It was gone and I was so upset at the idea that I wouldn't get my ice cream sandwich that day that I started to cry. Not sob. My eyes began to water. I'm not sure who came to my rescue, probably a lunch lady. But someone saw how upset I was and gave me another quarter. I've always rememembered that moment. I don't know why. Maybe I never realized how much I loved ice cream sandwiches. :)

Anyway, I can across this taste test by last month. Editors tasted 16 kinds of ice cream sandwiches. Here are their top top picks :

1) Turkey Hill Vanilla Bean Ice Cream Sandwich ($3.99 for six)
2) Nestle Super Sandwich ($2.50 per bar)
3) Julie's Organic
4) So Delicious
5) Good Humor
6) Carvel
8) Horizon
9) Skinny Cow
10) Weight Watchers

Mmmmmm .. who's in the moood for a little treat? I am!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Ten Things Your Burglar Won't Tell You

Over the past year or so, I've heard rumblings around my neighborhood that a few houses have been broken into. It's kept me on alert. In fact, just this week, I saw someone riding around on a bicycle at 4:30 am. I understand that some people get up early to exercise but I wasn't getting that vibe so I rode around the neighborhood to see if anything suspicious was going on.

Just recently, our homeowners association also created a "Neighborhood Watch." It's not a bad idea considering the break-ins. My interest was peaked even more when I came across an article in a recent "Reader's Digest" magazine. The article is titled " Thirteen Things Your Burglar Won't Tell You."

I found the information helpful so I thought I'd pass it along. Here are the top 10.

1) Of course I look familiar : I was here just last week cleaning your carpets, painting your shutters or delivering your new fridge.

2) Thanks for letting me use the bathroom when I was working in your yard last week, While I was in there, I unlatched the back window to make my return a little easier.

3) I always knock first. If you answer, I'll ask for directions somewhere or offer to clean your gutters.

4) You're right: I won't have enough time to break into that safe where you keep your valuables. But if it's not bolted down, I'll take it with me.

5) Yes, I really do look for newspapers piled up outside to see if anyone is home.

6) I almost never go into the kids' rooms.

7) I don't take a day off because of bad weather.

8) Do you really think I won't look in your sock drawer? I check dresser srawers, the bedside table and the medicine cabinet.

9) A loud tv or radio can be a better deterrent than the best alarm system.

There's more to this story. Reader's Digest has outlined 8 more things your burglar won't tell you. Check it out ...

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Why Winning The Lottery Can Be The Worst Thing To Happen To You

Okay, I don't really believe that winning the lottery would be the worst thing to happen to me. In fact, I think it would be great!! I play every Tuesday and Friday and have even organized a "Lottery Club" with my friends and family. I figure if I'm going to win, it would be more fun to hit it big with others, especially those willing and able to go on thrilling, exotic and expensive vacations.

So when I came across this article by an author named Myriam Bloomberg, I read through and then dismissed all 10 reasons why winning the lottery can be a very bad windfall.

1) Your life will get complicated and not in a good way.
2) Friends, long-lost relatives and charities will circle their wagons.
3) All of your relationships will change.
4) Mansions and six figure incomes are nice but upkeep is hell. I'll take the chance
5) You become a target for lawsuits. I'll get a lawyer.
6) Rounds of golf get old quickly. Then take up tennis. :)
7) You'll wonder if people like you just for your money.
8) Taxes. Again .. okay by me.
9) You'll probably get divorced.
10) You'll probably go bankrupt. What???!!!

Some of these things may happen, but again, I think I"ll take my chances. I've got my tickets for tonight's Mega Millions drawing. Do you? Remember .. you can't win if you don't play. (And no the Illinois Lottery did not pay me to say that.)

Monday, August 17, 2009

Back-To-School Shopping - Best Deals

You will hear a chorus of cheers (from the parents) and jeers (from the kids) this week as classes get underway. As always, there's lots to do before the kids get on the bus. Let me get my checklist:

Update immunizations ... check.
Buy school supplies ... check.
Make sure all shoes fit ... check.
Buy clothes .... nope.

I don't enjoy shopping for myself let alone three children who complain every time I tell them we have to go to Target. But it's usually necessary because the kids have either grown out of most of their shirts and shorts or everything looks a little ratty. So here I am, the day before school starts, gearing up for a few hours of shopping.

Usually, I examine all the local department store circulars to see where I can find the best deals and hit those places first. This year, though, I'm changing tactics. I've learned the "best deals" don't always wear well. You know what I'm talking about. Shirts that fade too quickly. Pants that shrink too much. The biggest problem is finding boys' jeans that won't end up with holes in the knees.

So you can imagine how happy I was to have read a recent article in Good Housekeeping. It was titled "Bargain Clothes That Last."

The Good Housekeeping Research Institute tests products for their durability and this particular article focused on jeans and tees.

Great! That's just what we wear.

So here are the bargain clothes that last:

Boys jeans : Levi's 550 relaxed fit jeans for boys ($26) made of extremely strong denim and aced GHRI's tests (worth the bigger price tag). Basic Edition Boys' Jeans ($10) from K-Mart finished second. GHRI says to skip the boy's faded bootcut jeans ($19.50) at Old Navy.

Boys Tees : JcPenney's Arizona T-shirt ($9.50 - $10.50)is the winner among the boys tees. GHRI did says it shrank a bit so consider sizing up. GHRI says pass on the Basic Edition T-shirts for boys and girls at K-Mart.

Girl's Jeans : Girlfriend Bootcut jeans ($19.50) at Old Navy are sturdy and look great after loads of laundering. Basic Editions Flare Jeans ($13) from K-Mart are the best of the seven girls' pairs tested. GHRI said they're tough, well-made jeans that won't fade but may shrink a bit. Slim Stretch Girl's Flare Jeans at Walmart cost less than $10 each, and GHRI said the girl's pair performed better than the Levi's that cost two and a half times more. GHRI says to skip the Mossimo Supply Girl's Distressed Jeans at Target.

Girl's Shirts : JCPenney's Arizona Polo ($20) came in second for girls tops. GHRI said the shirts have good fabric strength and are true to size but did fade a touch after five washes. Lacoste girl's striped polo finished first but at a price of $55 each that's way out of our price range. As for tees, GHRI said Faded Glory boys' and girls' t-shirts from Walmart are priced just right for stocking up although look for a bit of shrinkage. GHRI says to skip the Arizona t-shirts for girls because they shrink and edge stitchng may unravel.

Happy Shopping!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Best Day To Ask For A Raise

If you're thinking about walking into your boss's office to ask for a raise .. hold on. You want to do this right and I have some important info that might help. According to some psychiatrists, there's a good and bad time to ask for a pay raise. They say your boss has a weekly cycle of moods and you want to make sure you pick the right time.

Take Monday to ask for a vacation. Your boss just enjoyed his or her weekend and will be in a better mood and will be more willing to grant you some time off.

Tuesday is the day for bad news. Break it gently. This gives your boss the rest of the week to clean up your mess.

The day to ask for a raise? Wednesdays. This survey says managers told them they felt more charitable on Wednesdays than any other day.

If you have new ideas, present them to your boss on Thursdays. They're more open-minded.

Friday is the day to ask for favors. After all, bosses are looking forward to the weekend, too.

Good luck!!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What Do People Remember About You?

When people think back to high school, what do they remember about you? Were you the best student? The class clown? A star athlete? I, apparently, was known for my ..... READING. Yep, exciting stuff .. I was a book worm. But I'm surprised that anyone else remembered.

Two weeks ago, when I attended my 20th high school reunion, three former classmates commented on how much I used to read in high school. I wasn't offended. I was just surprised that, after all these years, that's what they remembered and chose to comment on.

I'll admit that I rarely paid attention in class and, instead, had my nose stuck in a book. The books had nothing to do with school or learning and had everything to do with boys, friends and life at home/school. I also read some Harlequin Romances that I'd snuck out of my mom's closet.

So during one of those conversations at the reunion, one of my classmates suggested that because of my interest in reading I should review books. She was so excited about the idea that it inspired me to ... review my first book.

So here goes ..... don't get your hopes up. It'll be short and sweet.

The book is titled "The Castaways" and is written by one of my favorite authors, Elin Hilderbrand. All of her novels take place on Nantucket, an island 30 miles south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. I've never been to Nantucket and am drawn to the setting because it's so different from the way I live in the midwest. The island holds a sense of adventure that makes me want to visit someday.

Hilderbrand is wonderful at creating likable, relatable characters. This particular book centers on a eight friends who live, work and raise their families on the island. When one couple dies in a boating accident, the rest are left to deal with secrets about their relationships and their feelings of guilt over the accident. She creates a wonderful story about relationships.

Overall, I enjoyed "The Castaways" and highly recommend the book.

Okay .. that was hard. And, I realize, the book review is not even that descriptive. (It takes a lot of time). I guess I'm going to have to practice this book reviewing thing.

I'd love to hear what you thought (of the book, not the review) :)

My next read is Janet Evanovich's "Finger Lickin Fifteen." Can't wait.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How To Avoid Down Sizing

Admit it. You think you deserve more credit at work, more respect from your co-workers and MORE money in your paycheck. Admit it. Your boss doesn't know how valuable you are to the company.

That may be how you really feel but, right now, most of us are just happy to have jobs. New labor numbers were just released yesterday and the employment picture doesn't look good. In the Peoria Metro Area, the jobless rate spiked back up to 9.6 percent in June, up seven-tenths of a percent from May and the highest it's been since the recession started. Nationally, statistics show more than 90 percent of the nation's largest metropolitan areas saw their unemployment rates jump from May to June, as well.

So, what can you do? Sometimes it's unavoidable. Companies are cutting jobs and there might not be anything you can do to save yours. But there also might be small changes you can make on the job that will give the boss the impression that you're a keeper. Here are some ideas from Woman's Own Magazine and "The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook : Work" about how to avoid becoming downsized.

Make Yourself Seem Indispensable - Master the jobs no one else wants. Offer to the do the billing, sort the mail, replace the toner, or clean out the office fridge. (One guy I know transferred out of his division at Caterpillar and took a position working three, twelve-hour, overnight shifts on weekends. Months later, most of the people in his old division are without jobs. He might not have the greatest hours but he's still got a job.)

Offer To Organize Social Events : Organize office parties, picnics and holiday gatherings. Become the "go-to" person and maintain a password-protected database of contacts and suppliers.

Propose Ways To Save The Company Money: Suggest that employees use second-day postage rather than express, turn off the lights in unused offices.

Get Your Name Out - Write an occasional article for the company newsletter or speak at a company event.

Start Wearing Glasses - You'll look more intelligent.

Okay, I don't know if that last idea is supposed to be a joke or not but it's on the list. I do have glasses and always FEEL more intelligent when I'm wearing them but I'm not going to put a lot of stock into that one. Let's say it's a joke because otherwise it sounds absolutely ridiculous!

Good Luck!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

20th High School Reunion - Great Fun!

Was it wrong to have my 68-year old father drive my friend and me to our 20th high school reunion? Maybe. But it happened. I traveled to the Chicago suburb of Lockport this past weekend to meet up with the rest of the class of 1989 for a party that will be remembered for a very long time.

First of all, yes, I did have my dad chauffer us to the event. It seemed like a great idea at the time as I didn't want to have a few drinks and then get behind the wheel. Who knew how wild it would get? In retrospect, it probably wasn't the best idea. I did appreciate my dad's effort, but frankly, my "curfew" was too early. (Can you say high school flashbacks?) The event was supposed to get over at a certain time and that's when I'd arranged for him to pick us up. Of course, nobody, including me, was ready to go home yet and the party moved to a bar down the street. I didn't have a car there and wasn't prepared to call a cab. I barely had any cash with me and I didn't have any phone numbers. That's my only regret. That I didn't get to go out with the crowd afterwards.

Overall, the reunion was a huge success. There must have been more than 150 people who attended, many traveling from out of state. That's what was so awesome. A lot of people made a big effort to get there and, from the looks of it, they were glad they made the trip. In fact, so many people were there that I could only talk to a person for about five minutes before I had to move on and catch up with another. There were a few there I didn't even get to talk to .

If you have the chance to go to your 20th reunion, I highly recommend it. But prepared to stay out for the long haul .. and don't have your dad pick you up. :)

Monday, July 20, 2009

Back to the Grind

There are always a couple of signs that vacation is officially over. First of all, I got on the scale this weekend and was a little upset to see that I had gained six pounds while I was away. That's not to say I didn't enjoy every bite of yummy pizza, ice cream and pie that I consumed while I was vacationing but come on ....

The second sign is that I only got four hours of sleep last night.

Yep. It's time to reset the body and mind for "real" life. Whether I'm ready or not, life as I know it resumes. 4:00 am alarm. Work. Teach Classes. Drive kids to activities. Cook lunch/dinner for children who don't eat what's on the menu. Laundry.

Nooooo!!!!!! Not laundry. Besides relaxing on the beaches of Lake Michigan and watching the kids play in the sand, I think the best part of vacation was that I didn't have to wash or fold one piece of laundry.

The whole trip was great. The question is why don't we all take more vacations? I'm re-energized. I'm re-focused. I'm ready for anything. Well .. almost anything. My 20th high school reunion is coming up this weekend. Am I ready for that? We'll see. First I have to get rid of those extra six pounds ....

More on the reunion later ...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Back From Vacation .. Re-energized

I had a great vacation. My family - just the five of us - loaded up the mini-van and traveled up north to Traverse City, Michigan. We'd never been there, though, as a child my husband used to vacation in the area with his family. We stayed at a place called the Grand Beach Resort and it was perfect. We walked out of our hotel and right onto the beach. The kids played in the water and sand for hours. I went into the water, even though it was FREEZING!

We also visited the Sleeping Bear Dune. If you're ever in that area it's a must-see. We even did the climb up the huge dune and then the run down. It was awesome .. kind of like being a kid again.

It was quite nice to reconnect with everyone in my family. No friends. No other family. Bruce and I were the main attraction (besides the beach and Lake Michigan ... and mini-golf and the water slides) and it was nice. We almost didn't go because of the economy but I'm so glad we did. It was worth the money ... and so worth the 8 hour drive ...

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Things You NEED To Know

I sort through a lot of news and information every day so I often come across alot of ... "Things (I feel) You Need To Know." Here they are: (and please weigh in with your own tidbits).

Middle-aged women want sexy reading. New research shows women aged 45-60 want to read books about sex more than anything else. The latest book I'm reading is titled "Flat-Out Sexy" by Erin McCarthy. Yep. Lots of sex.

Do you remember former figure skating champion and Olympian Nicole Bobek? I do. I loved watching her perform. She's now accused of being part of a drug ring in New Jersey. So disappointing.

Joyce Dewitt who played Janet on the TV show "Three's Company" was arrested last Saturday on suspicion of DUI. Too many drinks at the Regal Beagle?

A rural town in Australia has voted overwhelmingly to ban the sale of bottled water over concerns about its environmental impact. What do you think of this?

Did you know that men who dance well are more likely to attract women.

A recent study says workers who use the web for entertainment while at work are 9 percent more productive than those who don't. Why? People need quick breaks in order to maintain a high level of concentration. I highly agree!!!

44 percent of men surveyed in Men's Health say they sleep naked

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You Know You're A Grown-Up When ......

I just read this article in the May 2009 edition of Redbook Magazine and wanted to share. It's titled "You Know You're A Grown-Up When ..... "

"... HGTV trumps MTV"

"... you can spend an hour in complete, cozy silence with your guy without wondering if he's mad at you."

"... you finally appreciate what all the fuss is about on Mother's Day."

"... someone you went to high school with shows up on the cover of a magazine as "entrepreneur/philanthropist/artist of the year."

"... you figure out a graceful way to get off the phone quickly when your friend starts one of her hour-long rambles about kitchen renovations."


"... you still roll your eyes - but only when no one is watching."

So true. So true.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Picoult - Not For Me

Even though I don't have a lot of time to read, I'm always on the lookout for a great book. I e-mail friends seeking recommendations. I ask strangers standing by the book section at Target for suggestions. I check out "People" magazine to see which new books are getting four-star-ratings.

So for many, many months I've been told by many, many people to read "My Sister's Keeper," by Jodi Picoult. I put it off because I know that Picoult's writing typically ventures into disturbing, real-life topics that will leave me, not uplifted, but upset and sad. My friend finally got me to start the book because the movie is coming out and she insisted I read it before we go see the story on the big screen.

Here's what I discovered: I didn't like the book and I'm not going to see the movie!!!!

I love Hollywood endings and that book definitely did not have a Hollywood ending. Yesterday, I sat in the big red chair in my family room and bawled as I finished "My Sister's Keeper." Let me tell you this: every day I read real news that is depressing and sad. I don't need any help worrying about what happens in the world. I do that on my own. A lot. Ask my husband.

I also figure that if I want cry, I'll do that in the privacy of my own home and not in some crowded movie theatre where everyone will need a tissue. So I told my friend that she's going to have to go to the movies with someone else.

Don't get my wrong. Piccoult is an amazing writer, weaving through storylines and creating memorable characters but I don't think I want to read any more of her books right now.

I think I'll just stick with my "beach" book or what I call "light" reading. i.e. trashy novel. All kidding aside, I do love a trashy novel once in a while but I mostly enjoy women's fiction that deals with relationships. If you have any suggestions, please pass them along. :)

Happy reading!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Flag-Day Celebration

Every year on June 14th, people across the United States honor the American Flag and all is symbolizes. It was on this day in 1777 when the flag was adopted by the US by resolution of the Second Continental Congress. (Wikipedia)

June 14th is also my wedding anniversary.

Do you know this story?

My name was Flagg. My husband's name was Day. We got married on Flag-Day 12 years ago. Our color theme at the wedding was red, white and blue. (It was not tacky! My wedding party wore blue and white dresses and carried red flowers.)

One year later, on Flag Day, our wedding photo and "Flagg-Day" wedding announcement was on national television. It was on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" during his Monday night headline bit. I sent it to the show and we watched for months but it never showed up on air. Then a year later, on the next Flag Day, the show aired it.

We missed it but lots of people called to tell us they saw it.

So this weekend, we celebrated Flag-Day with a wonderful dinner date and some time to reconnect.

And every year it's the same. Neither one of us gets in trouble for forgetting our anniversary because all of our friends and family remember .. and call to remind us. :)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

What Did You Say?

What that's thing called? Ya know ... that thing ... the thingie ... the whatchamacallit ... the hard thing ... the plastic tube at the end of your shoelace?

Yep, it has a name.

Everything's got a name.

It's called an aglet.

I don't know if you knew that or if you even care but I came across this tidbit in my new "O" magazine. If you want to impress others with your expansive vocabulary you can check out a new book called "The Whatchamacallit: Those Everyday Objects You Just Can't Name (and Things You Think You Know About, but Don't)", by Danny Danziger and Mark McCrum (Hyperion)

It's filled with all kinds of words that you may not have known existed: words like muselet or borborygmus (I found this one amusing).

Now you're asking yourself, "Why would I use those words in a sentence, anyway?" Well check out their definitions. Who knows .. maybe you can impress your friends, significant other, or ....

Okay, you're probably not going to impress anyone .. maybe you'll just find them amusing like I did. Enjoy!

Here's the short list I found in "O" magazine:

aglet : the plastic tube at the end of your shoelace.

borboygmus: (pronounced bor-buh-RIG-mus): the rumbling sounds your stomach makes.

interrobang: the punctuation mark rendered as "?!"

muselet : (pronounced mew-zeh-LAY) : the four legged wire cage on a Champagne bottle

tmesis (pronounced tuh-MEE-sis) : the division of a word by the insertion of another word; e.g., abso-bloody-lutely or un-freaking-believable.

Friday, May 29, 2009

You're Healthier Than You Think ....

We try to do what we can to stay healthy .. eat right, get enough sleep, exercise. And now it turns out that you're doing a pretty good job. Woman's Day Magazine put out a list of five signs that you're healthier than you think. Here they are :

1) You have several cups of coffee each day - A recent Swedish study found that people who drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee daily at midlife are less likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's later on.

2) You say "thanks." - A new study reveals that expressing gratitude may be the key to happiness and overall well-being.

3) You laugh a lot. - Research has shown that laughter expands blood vessels andmigh even lower your heart attack risk.

4) You tidy up your house - Just 20 minutes of sweeping, scrubbing, and doing other household chores can boost your mood, not to mention burn calories.

5) You surf the internet. UCLA research shows that it stimulates brain activity.

So, you have my permission this weekend to grab your cup of java, click on your laptop, log onto your favorite entertaining website, giggle a little when you come across something funny .. and then, of course, say thank you to your husband/partner for taking care of the kids while you take care of yourself. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I Will Not Teach My Child To Curse ....

I will not teach my child to curse ..
I will not teach my child to curse ..
I will not teach my child to curse ...

Maybe I should write that 100 times as punishment for teaching my son to curse. Back in the day, as a young student, I vaguely remember having to write "I will not talk" on a piece of paper, front and back, for talking repeatedly during class. I remember detesting the busy work but who really knows if it deterred my motor mouth.

Now I have to curb my naughty mouth. I've slipped up a few times over the past couple of weeks, muttering the words, "What the hell!" It didn't happen once. It didn't happen twice. Okay, it maybe happened three times and Logan, my five-year old picked up on the words and the frustrated feeling behind them. Oooops!

So last weekend I'm in the yard planting some flowers when my daughter walks out the front door and says, "Mom, Logan cursed."

"What did he say."


The tattle-tale didn't want to get in trouble for repeating the bad words.

So I told her to go inside and tell him that "we" don't say those words and he will be in trouble if he says them again.

He said it at least two more times that day.

Finally, at the end of the day, I had a sit-down with Logan and explained to him that mommy shouldn't say those words and he, definitely, isn't allowed to say those words. He knew it, too. I warned him that if it happened again he would lose his DS Game for a week.

The threat of losing a video game is powerful and useful. Nobody has heard him mutter those words again.

By the way, I'm not saying them either .. at least not around the kids.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lovin' The Spring Weather

This weather makes me so happy!!!!!

Yes, in general, my life is good right now for lots of reason. I have three great kids and a wonderful husband. I have a job. I'm not obsessing about some illness I think I might have. Yes. I am happy. But I'm serious when I say this weather is contributing in all ways to my happiness. Every spring I enjoy walking around my yard, watching my hostas thrive. I love to plant annuals and then just sit and enjoy them. I also get lots of pleasure sitting on the sidelines watching my children play soccer at Detweiler. (sigh)

Spring weather is just so invigorating.

It must be all of the colors. Because of all this rain we've had in Peoria, everything is green.

The red, white, pink, and yellow tulips have come and almost gone.

And most importantly, blues skies and plenty of sunshine. (sigh)

Storms are again forecast for tomorrow. I'll just hold on to the idea that another day just like this one is not far away.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Quesion: What is Cinco de Mayo and why do we celebrate?

Answer: It's a regional holiday in Mexico commemorating the army's defeat of French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. According to Wikipedia, the date is observed in the United States as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride.

For whatever reason, I don't usually give Cinco de Mayo a second thought. There are never plans to drink mexican beer or margaritas. I don't throw a party or make plans to go out. Tonight, though, I may have to get out my delicious enchilada recipe AND the margaritas. We talked about Cinco de Mayo all morning on the radio show and now I'm in the mood for mexican food. A few listeners requested the recipe so I'm going to include it in this blog. It's creamy, rich and yummy. Enjoy.

Whit's Chicken Enchiladas (I got this from


4 chicken breasts
2 Tbsp olive oil
1 (4 ounce) can of diced green chiles peppers, drained
1 jalapeno pepper, chopped
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 (8 ounce) package of cream cheese
2 cups shredded Monterey Jack Cheese, divided
1/2 cup of water
8 (10 inch) flour tortillas
1 cup of heavy cream


1. Place the chicken breasts in a saucepan and fill with enough water to cover. Bring to a boil and cook until chicken is cooked through. Remove from water and cool.

2. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Cut or shred the chicken breasts. Set aside.

3. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the green chiles, jalapeno, and garlic. Cook and stir for a few minutes until fragrant, then stir in cream cheese and half of the Monterey Jack cheese. As the cheese begins to melt, gradually stir in the water. Stir the chicken into the skillet. Remove from heat.

4. Spoon the chicken mixture into tortillas and roll up. Place the rolls seam side down in a 9 x 13 inch baking dish. Sprinkle the remaining Monterey Jack cheese over the top, then pour cream over the top.

5. Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven or until the enchiladas are golden brown

They are very rich so I serve them with lettuce, tomatoes and salsa.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu -

On the morning show over the past few days, we've talked quite a bit about the "swine flu," also known as the H1N1 virus. I have to admit that three days ago, I wasn't worried. We were even joking about the illness, mainly because I'm a hypochondriac and I've had a cold/flu for the past week. John, my co-host, was joking that I had the "swine."

Now, I sit here with increasing concern and many questions about what will happen if there is a pandemic. At first, a pandemic didn't seem possible. Now it does. More US cases are popping up, including one "probable" case in Illinois. A few schools across the country closed today for fear of spreading the illness.

I've also been watching the news, specifically a press conference regarding the death of a toddler in a Texas. He was from Mexico and died while visiting family in that state. He passed away Monday but officials there just found out this morning that is was from H1N1.

So while I'm not one to panic, I am starting to pay more attention to what our government is saying about the illness and what we should do if there's an outbreak in our area. The Centers for Disease Control has some pretty basic advice : you should wash your hands ALOT and cover your mouths when you sneeze or cough.


Then what?

I guess I'll be doing some more research.

I know one thing. As soon as my three children walk in the door from school, I'll give them the soap and send them directly to the sink.

Here's more info about the H1N1 from the Centers for Disease Control.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

An Excuse To Watch TV

Not that I need an excuse to turn on the TV .. but here it is anyway. How about this .. watching television can help your heart. Yep, that's right. I'm telling you to sit on the couch, relax and watch your favorite sitcom. By the way, that's the key, it has to be a show that'll make you chuckle.

According to a University of Maryland study, people who watched 15 to 30 minutes of a funny show increased their blood flow by about 22% which is similiar to the benefit from low-intensity exercise.

Apparently, when we laugh, blood vessels dilate due to the release of the protective chemical nitric oxide, which also reduces cholesterol building.

So, if you're looking for a funny sitcom check out the Mnday night line-up on CBS. VERY FUNNY! All of the shows make me laugh every time.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Confession Time

Okay, I'll admit it. I have an adult "woobie." You know what I'm talking about, right? At one time in your life, probably when you were a child, you had a special doll, blanket or stuffed animal that you carried around or slept with to bring you comfort. Well, I still have one and I call it "squishie."

"Squishie" is feather pillow that I've had ever since I can remember. It's only about a quarter size of a regular pillow because, over the years, many of the feathers have fallen out. I squeeze it and hug it and sleep with it every night. Okay, that makes me sound completely nuts. Here's the truth. I just like how it feels when I roll it in a ball and put it under my head. Could I survive without it? Sure, but why should I if I don't have to.

It turns out I'm not the only one who turns to a material item for comfort. According to a Travelodge survey done a couple of years ago, 20 percent of men said they take a teddy bear to bed with them when they're alone. Really, I thought. Who's going to admit to that. And when we brought the topic up this morning on 93.3 The Drive, many people called with stories of their own "woobies." They didn't seemed embarrassed about it. GOOD! Let's embrace and hold our "woobies" high.(Okay, that might be a bit much.) :)

Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I went into Walmart yesterday to buy THREE items and walked out with 8 bags of discounted Easter candy. How could that happen? I vowed to stop this practice long ago. In fact, I always make sure I don't go into those big box stores the week after a holiday so I'm not tempted by all that candy.


I forgot and accidentally cruised down the Easter candy aisle. I couldn't stop myself and filled my basket with Starbursts, Hershey bunnies, malted milk egs and a BIG chocolate bunny (just for me). It's comforting, though, to know that I'm not the only one with a problem. The aisle was packed with women loading up their carts with discounted candy yesterday. Maybe men don't have that problem. I didn't see even one male close to the candy.

So, everyday I enjoy just a few pieces and you never know, I might even share with the kids. :)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Be Happy - Take a Nap!

Who doesn't love a good nap? When my three children were a little younger and still dozed in the afternoon, I would also catch a few zzzz's. Ahh. Those were the days. Unfortunately, these days I don't get many naps. I either can't find the time OR I can't turn my brain off to settle in. Now, though, I might make more of an effort because according to a new study, there are three BIG reasons to take naps.

1.You'll protect your heart - A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that people who snoozed for at least 30 minutes three or more times a week reduced their risk of dying from heart disease by nearly 40%.

2.You'll perk up - NASA researchers found that pilots on long haul flights who napped for an average of 26 minutes boosted their alertness by more than 50%.

3.You'll feel happier - In a Stanford University School of Medicine study, doctors and nurses improved their mood by napping for 40 minutes during an overnight shift.

Be happy. Take a nap!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools!!

April Fools!!! We had such fun on the radio this morning. Thanks to all the listeners who were good sports about our "joke." In case you missed it, John Riley and I "forgot" to turn off our microphones (when we were supposed to) during the Morning Drive on 93.3 today and everyone could hear us gossiping about "Carl and the Bradley-intern", spreading rumors about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt coming to Peoria, and having one heck of an argument. All this was taking place while songs played in the background. Of course, it was all in fun. We had quite a few people going, though. The phones (which we ignored for an hour) rang off the hook. In fact, other workers in the building began coming in to tell us are mics were still on and listeners could hear everything we were saying. In radio, leaving your microphone on and being heard while off the air is considered a cardinal sin. Today, we called it a little harmless fun. At least, we think so. We haven't talked to the bosses yet. :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Escape From Reality : Eat Some Candy

I ate a "KING" size "Watchamachallit" yesterday. I haven't eaten one of those in years and it was delicious! Mind you, I didn't mean to eat the whole thing. It was an impulse buy I made while standing at the checkout line at Walmart. I didn't scarf down the whole thing when I got into the car but had a little bit here and there throughout the day. Finally, about 9 o'clock last night, I took that last bite and had no regrets. Okay, it was 380 calories and I was a little regretful about that but overall, I was feeling quite happy with myself.

I've talked in the past about my obsession with the sweet treats but after reading an article this week in the New York Times, I've discovered that I'm not the only one who finds comfort in candy. I think it's safe to say most people are NOT spending money on big ticket items like they used to, but they are still treating themselves in smaller ways. Candy sales are soaring and here's proof: according to the New York Times article, Cadbury's profits rose 30% and Nestle's 11% in 2008. Hersey reportedly had a rough year but it's fourth quarter profits climbed 8.5%.

It's easy to understand. Candy is inexpensive and can be nostalgic, bringing back happy memories of better times.

So take a bite out of reality and sink your teeth into a big, chocolate bar. I did.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Okay .. so we made it one more week.

Bruce still has his job, but more than a dozen others in his division .. some of them "sitting in the same room" as him .. don't. I am relieved but still sad for those who've lost their paychecks. And really the relief is short-lived because if things don't pick up at Caterpillar and at other companies, who knows what will happen.

Enjoy this first day of spring and have a great weekend.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Scary Times

The Caterpillar layoffs are hitting a little too close to home. My husband came home last night and told me that more employees in his division will find out today if they'll lose their jobs. He said he wasn't going to tell me but did because I had specifically asked if any news had been announced about new layoffs. I have friends in East Peoria who are also on pins and needles because of the job cuts announced this week. I told my husband that while I hope it's not him being laid off I feel badly about the people who will be without jobs as they have families to take care of, as well. Scary times, indeed.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What does 22 minutes mean to you?

22 minutes.

You can watch a sitcom in 22 minutes.
You can drive from North Peoria to downtown in 22 minutes.
You can enjoy a sandwich and chips in 22 minutes.
You can exercise for 22 minutes a day.

This isn't about losing weight. This is about being heart healthy. According to new guidelines from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, if you exercise for just 22 minutes a day you reduce your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. 22 minutes. Is there any excuse not to exercise? I can't imagine one when experts make it this easy for you to get healthier. Speaking from experience, I can say that, not only, is this good for the body, it's great for the mind. I promise you'll feel invigorated, you'll process stress better and you may even lose weight in the long term.

Ask yourself how important it is to stay healthy for your kids, for your spouse/partner, for yourself. And then get moving. All you need is 22 minutes.

Make it even easier by breaking up the workout into two 11-minute segments.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Books, books, books

No, I didn't win the lottery. BUMMER! Ten co-workers in New Jersey won, which is cool. $216 million dollars is way too much for one person to win. Now they'll split the annuity or walk away with a lump sum of 140 million. In my opinion, the winners did make one mistake. They immediately announced their big win to the world. That's the dumbest thinking they could've done. Bye, bye privacy. Hello stalkers.

On to other things ...

I love to read. Unfortunately, I don't have enough time to read as much as I'd like. My latest recomendation is "Vanishing Act" by Jodi Piccoult. A lot of her books are too dark for me but this one was great. There were a few twists and turns and a suprise at the end. I would defintely grab it at the library.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lightening CAN strike TWICE!

So a guy in Cuba, Illinois is living my dream. He woke up this morning, checked his lottery ticket and found out that he'd hit it big. The winner, who works at Hanna Steel in Pekin, won four million dollars in the Illinois Lotto.

My husband says it would ruin our lives. Maybe. But I'd like to take the chance. I'm pretty sure we could handle it.

My question today is "Can lightening strike twice? What I mean is: can two lottery tickets in central Illinois hit in the same week? I play the Mega Millions every week in a "lottery club" that I've organized with a bunch of my friends and family and it would be great it we could hit TONIGHT'S jackpot. It's worth 145 million dollars.

I know. I know. You're thinking I live in la-la land.

John Riley, who I work with in the morning, calls my delusional thoughts "adorable."

And who knows, maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and check my lottery tickets and .. well, you know the rest of the story.

Have a great day!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random Thoughts

I haven't blogged in a loooonnnnngggg time!

All I've got today is a bunch of random thoughts. My brain has been working overtime ...

Random Thoughts :

I'm in the mood for a decadant dessert.

If I feel a little bad for Nadya Suleman, the California woman who gave birth to Octuplets and has 14 children under the age of 7. How many diapers will she have to change every day?

I know it won't happen but I imagine what I would say to President Barack Obama if I ran into him while he was visiting Peoria.

Love 'em but the kids are driving me a little nuts!

I enjoy Facebook!

I wonder how many former high school classmates will attend our 20th reunion this year?

I want someone to cook for me. Lobster, please!

Have a happy day!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Are You Suffering From SAD?

So here's what's going on in my life right now:

I've been extremely irritable. At the kids. At the hubby. Just irritable. I've even thought to myself, "What is going on."

In the past three weeks, I've bought about 8 large bags of candy and I've been eating bits and pieces every day. I was doing so well before the holidays but now I've fallen off the wagon.

I just want to get in my bed, under my warm down comforter, and sleep.

I've noticed my behavior changes .. and I know my husband has noticed my behavior changes (even though he's been nice enough not to say anything) but I didn't realize what was REALLY going on until a friend mentioned it to me yesterday. I'm experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder and I know I'm not the only one.

SAD typically occurs during the late fall and winter and is most common in young adult women. But according to, it can affect men and women of any age. The website says some lifestyle changes may help prevent SAD or improve symtoms. Here's what you can do:

Spend at least 30 minutes outside every day.
Take daily walks. Exercise.
Increase indoor lighting with regular lamps and fixtures.

Like all types of depression, SAD can have a devastating effect on your life. If you have feelings of extreme sadness, hopelessness or emptiness or you find it impossible to carry on life as normal, contact your doctor.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Chicken Recipe That Even My Kids Like

While visiting my mother-in-law over the holidays she made a delicious and healthy chicken recipe that I was able to replicate at home. It's extremely easy and very flavorful. I hope you enjoy it, too!

Bistro Chicken

6 chicken breasts
2 TBSP. flour
1 teas. of salt (divided)
1 teas. of pepper (divided)
1 teas. of thyme
2 TBSP. of olive oil
1 28 oz can of diced tomatos
1 can of condensed french onion soup (Campbells)
6 slices of swiss cheese


Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
Pre-heat a non-stick skillet.

Place the flour and a 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/2 teaspoon of pepper in a gallon-size Ziploc bag. Dredge the chicken and then brown it in a non-stick skillet until it's golden. Once the chicken is browned, place it in a 13 x 9 glass dish.

Put the can of diced tomoatos and the teaspoon of thyme in the skillet and simmer for five minutes. Put the condensed french onion soup and salt and pepper (to taste) in the skillet and simmer for about five minutes. Place a piece of swiss cheese over each piece of the chicken and then spoon the tomato mixture all around the chicken. Bake at 350 for about 20-25 minutes or until done. I served it with brown rice and brocoli. YUMMO!

My kids, who are not big fans of baked chicken, even liked this one.

I love new recipes so if you've got one, please e-mail it to me at
nancyflagg@933thedrive. I'll post it on my blog and give you credit.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Secret to Staying Slim

We have a problem in my house that involves my eight-year old son and food. He eats sooooooo fast that he's done with dinner before my husband and I barely sit down. We've explained to him that he needs to use his manners at the dinner table and shoveling in his food as fast as he can is not the best way to do this.

We've also explained that eating this fast could be bad for his health and that it may cause him to overeat because his stomach doesn't realize that it's full.

So I was relieved to find a possible solution to our problem. A Japanese woman claims the Asian secret to staying slim is by eating with chopsticks because it makes it harder to shovel food in and slows down the pace.

Problem solved. Chopsticks for the whole family.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Tooth Fairy Forgot - Again

We had a Tooth Fairy incident this week. Two nights ago, my eight-year old son lost a tooth and put it on his bed side table so the Tooth Fairy would have no trouble finding it. Just like all children that age, Lucas was hoping for some fast cash, but he didn't get it. The Tooth Fairy forgot to come. Yep. It happened (again). So last night, he tried again but this time he wanted some questions answered. Along with the tooth, Lucas left a questionaire on his table. Here were the questions:

1) What do you do with all the teeth you collect?
2) Why didn't you come last night?
3) How do you get to the all the children's homes every night?
4) What is your full name?

Here were the Tooth Fairy's answers:

1) I make jewelry out of all the teeth.
2) Your dad was up too late.
3) Magic
4) The Tooth Fairy - but some people call me BOB.

This morning, Lucas will get all the answers to his questions .. and three bucks. The Tooth Fairy was feeling kind of generous. :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Handy Husband

The cost of replacing a part for my broken dishwasher = $166
A husband who can fix a broken dishwasher = priceless

I am so lucky to have a handy husband. He can fix anything!!

I have a friend who gets frustrated every time something breaks in her home because she knows she'll have to find and then pay someone to fix it. I shake my head and try to relate, but I can't because I am fortunate enough to have the handiest husband ever. In the past year, Bruce has fixed three major appliances : our washer, dryer and, just last night, our dishwasher. Every time he's successful, the kids and I give him a standing ovation (we really do clap for him). It's great fun for the kids plus it's fantastic for our bank account as we've saved hundreds of dollars in labor costs.

With that said, I am getting irritated that these expensive appliances keep breaking. We've only had them for 4 1/2 years and we paid a lot of money for them. My parents had their washer and dryer for over ten years, at least. I think that says something about how well things are made these days. Unfortunately, there's not a lot, as a consumer, I can do about it. I can complain to the companies (blah, blah, blah) or I can just call my husband. :)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to School .. Back to Work.

Things will be getting back to normal in my house today. The kids go back to school and my husband goes back to work. (Thank goodness.) Don't get me wrong. We've had a great couple of weeks at home but I've had enough of the kids playing video games. And I've had enough of my husband playing video games with the kids. They've had great "together time" and we've all enjoyed playing "Rock Band" as a family but it's time we all got more productive.

What does that mean?

Well, my husband is going to do some painting. (He was supposed to do that over the break but never got around to it.) Oh yeah, he also plans to fix our broken dishwasher. He's very handy around the house.

The kids are starting up activities again : hockey, soccer, and piano.

I'll be shuffling kids to hockey, soccer, and piano. Plus, working, teaching classes, cooking dinner, doing laundry, etc. I don't mind. It all sounds busy but it brings a sense of order to my life. Even my 8-year old son said last night he was glad to be going back to school today.

(Sigh) :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Ringing in 2009 With Resolutions

I love the start of a new year because it feels like a new beginning.

I WILL become more organized.
I WILL eat better and I WILL stop buying so many bags of candy.
I WILL be better at sending birthday cards to family and friends.
I WILL not charge as much on my credit card.

I feel better already. I've written it down so, therefore, it must come true! :)

The bottom line for me is that making new year's resolutions helps me re-focus on the things I want to accomplish. It helps me set short and long-term goals. Do I always follow through with my resolutions? No. But I feel like it's a waste of an opportunity if I don't try.

How about you?

Happy New Year!