Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Tooth Fairy Forgot - Again

We had a Tooth Fairy incident this week. Two nights ago, my eight-year old son lost a tooth and put it on his bed side table so the Tooth Fairy would have no trouble finding it. Just like all children that age, Lucas was hoping for some fast cash, but he didn't get it. The Tooth Fairy forgot to come. Yep. It happened (again). So last night, he tried again but this time he wanted some questions answered. Along with the tooth, Lucas left a questionaire on his table. Here were the questions:

1) What do you do with all the teeth you collect?
2) Why didn't you come last night?
3) How do you get to the all the children's homes every night?
4) What is your full name?

Here were the Tooth Fairy's answers:

1) I make jewelry out of all the teeth.
2) Your dad was up too late.
3) Magic
4) The Tooth Fairy - but some people call me BOB.

This morning, Lucas will get all the answers to his questions .. and three bucks. The Tooth Fairy was feeling kind of generous. :)


Anonymous said...

I think the two oldest are questioning the reality of the Tooth Fairy. They both looked at the answers the TF gave, and suggested the handwriting was like mine. I told them it was too neat to be mine. I am not sure they bought it. But they are smart, if they push it, the whole thing might fall apart and they will stop the money flowing!

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad Nancy, the Tooth Fairy seems to be doing that at our house too. It is amazing what excuses the kids will accept. Tooth Fairy on vacation, sick to many kids to go to in one night. So what excuse to use when the Tooth Fairy doesn't show up the second night, you didn't llok hard enough (as child is brushing teeth and coin in slipped under pillow). The Tooth Fairy will be done at our house very soon, which is good because she is getting forgetful. Kim

Anonymous said...

Update: Our daughter's trip to the dentist revealed four loosening teeth. She then told me she will be asking a whole new set of questions. Stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Keep posting stuff like this i really like it