Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My Aha" Moment

I'm home sick today so I finally have time to tell you about my exciting story from this past weekend. I'm calling it my "Aha" moment (in a tongue-and-cheek kind-of-way)and you'll know why in a moment.

You recognize the phrase, right? Oprah Winfrey uses it all the time on her talk show and in her magazine when she's talking about a defining moment in her life in which she gains a new understanding of her purpose and goals.

So my "Aha" moment came this past weekend when I was walking through Woodfield Mall in Schaumburg, Illinois. A friend and I were approached by a woman who said she was from "The Ober Show" and asked if she could ask us some questions on-camera about what drives us crazy about men's fashions. It was then I noticed the camera crew behind her. I asked her again, "What show are you from?" She said, "The Oprah Winfrey Show." I had obviously misunderstood her the first time. It was at that point that I had my "Aha" moment. My purpose and goal, at this point in time, was to get my mug on national TV. THE OPRAH WINFREY SHOW!! Yeah!!

So my friend Gretchen and I stood side-by-side and answered questions about what drives us crazy about our husband's fashion sense. I think the term is "We threw our husbands under the bus" so we could get on Oprah. Yep, during the interview, I ripped on my husband's favorite fishing hat and all his hole-y TV-shirts. Gretchen talked about how it drives her crazy when men didn't properly groom (manscape) themselves. (Her hubby has a lot of hair.) Sorry, Mark. :)

Because I felt a little guilty about my comments, I immediately called my husband after the interview and told him what I had done. He told me "That's okay, honey." What a great husband!!!

Anyway, Gretchen and I thought we gave pretty witty and smart comments so we were thinking we'd make the cut. :) If we did make it on the show, it would just be a quick sound bite, but still ... it's national TV.

Then, yesterday, Gretchen calls me to tell me "The Oprah Show" called. I think I screamed a happy scream. "What did they say?" I asked.

And I'll tell you about that tomorrow ....

1 comment:

Dan D. said...

Very cool, Nancy!!! Can't wait to hear more.....Love ya!!!!