Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I went into Walmart yesterday to buy THREE items and walked out with 8 bags of discounted Easter candy. How could that happen? I vowed to stop this practice long ago. In fact, I always make sure I don't go into those big box stores the week after a holiday so I'm not tempted by all that candy.


I forgot and accidentally cruised down the Easter candy aisle. I couldn't stop myself and filled my basket with Starbursts, Hershey bunnies, malted milk egs and a BIG chocolate bunny (just for me). It's comforting, though, to know that I'm not the only one with a problem. The aisle was packed with women loading up their carts with discounted candy yesterday. Maybe men don't have that problem. I didn't see even one male close to the candy.

So, everyday I enjoy just a few pieces and you never know, I might even share with the kids. :)

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