Sunday, January 20, 2008

When will I feel better?

It's day six and I'm not feeling any better. In fact, if it's possible I think I'm feeling worse. I can't talk, my ears ache and my throat still burns. I would have to say that this tonsilectomy recovery is perhaps, the worst pain I've endured in my adult life. "How can that be?" you ask. "You've had three babies, one without an epidural." All I can say is that labor lasted anywhere from 9 to 24 hours. I've been dealing with this now for six days (144 hours) with no break. Yeah, I'm whining. But I also realize this will be over (hopefully) in a few days. Several years ago my brother-in-law was diagnosed with thyroid cancer and had to go through radiation. He could barely talk or swallow for months. He was in constant discomfort and pain. Another friend of our family was just diagnosed with mouth and tongue cancer. I can't imagine the pain she endures every day as she goes through intense chemo while trying to keep her family together. So while I sit here feeling sorry for myself, and I make no apologies for it, I realize this is just a bump in the road. Overall, I have good health and, for that, I'm truly thankful everyday.

P.S. The pain medication has lost it's luster. Instead of helping it just makes me sick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. Hang in there and don't feel guilty. I am an RN, and had a friend who had this surgery and said it was much worse than here 2 c-sections!

You may feel weak, tired and blah for several weeks, partly due to the anesthia, and because you had a huge "lymphe node" taken out of the back of your throat!! This surgery is usally a breeze for young kids, but can be serious for adults. YOu are "normal" in your recovery. Auddiemae