Monday, January 14, 2008

One More Day ....

I'm very anxious today. Who am I kidding. I've been anxious for the past several months, ever since I found out the date of my surgery. I'm getting my tonsils out tomorrow. I don't know if I'm relieved or not. I've gone online to try to find "good" tonsil stories but there aren't any. I've told everyone I know and some people I don't know that I'm having the surgery, in hopes of finding a nice person to tell me that my recovery won't be as bad as I imagine. That hasn't happened either. Everyone I tell looks at me the same way with that "Oh, I'm glad I'm not you" look. Cripes people. Will you please lie to me. Nope, they won't. Instead, I'm hearing things like "My cousin said her throat burned," and "The scabs come off on the fifth day." YIKES! Okay, I'm officially prepared for the worst. I'll have a burning, scabbed throat that'll hurt like hell.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Be happy.

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