Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Let's Make Some Smores!

So ... my husband caved. I got my fire pit.

Here's a little back story. About a month ago, I told Bruce that I really wanted a fire pit. The kids love making smores and I love to sit around the fire with family and friends on a cool, fall night. They're only about 50 bucks so it was no big deal, right? NOT! Bruce got on a high horse "challenging" me not to buy a fire pit. WHAT?! His argument ... (besides our Visa bill being huge) was that I constantly impulse shop. He says I always say "I need this and I need that," and I don't stop until I get what I want. (What woman doesn't?)

Still, it's a fifty dollar fire pit. Come on! Well, I didn't buy one and this argument went on for about a month. I'm still not really sure what changed his mind. But I returned from out of town this weekend to find a new fire pit sitting on our patio out back. It was a surprise from him and the kids.

HMMM ... why the change of heart? It may have been that he was on a camping trip this weekend and realized that he, too, enjoyed sitting around the fire. Guilt may have been a bigger factor. After the topic came up on the camping trip, my neighbor, Tim, apparently told Bruce ... "Oh, just go buy your wife a fire pit!!!"

He did. HMMM .. Maybe the next time I "need" that really expensive item, I should consult Tim to do my negotiating.

I'll let you know how the smores come out.

Have a great day!


Bruce said...

First, the Visa bill was beyond huge due to the need for new living room furniture.

Past needs:
- The smaller bicycle for Lauren was $45 (rode twice before switching back to the larger bicycle.) Anyone need a nearly new pink bicycle?
- The quesadilla maker was $30 (used once every two months) Similar to the Fry-Daddy from 2001, used once.

Currently I am resisting the need for new patio furniture and a chest for the end of the bed.


PLRbeeatch said...

1 word: Be-Dazzler...need I say more?