Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Women Falling Down

Women Falling Down ... Again this has nothing to do with my trip to Vegas. :)

"Women Falling Down" is the latest funny video I discovered on YouTube. Okay, I'm addicted (just a little) to humorous videos on the video-sharing site. Someone sends them to me and I send them along to friends and we all laugh. Well, I found another one and I want to share it with you. I may have a warped sense of humor, but I find this kind of stuff hysterical. It gets me every time. Hee, hee. I get a good belly laugh and I hope you get one, too.

If you want to laugh, click on the site below or go to youtube and type in the key words "Women Falling Down."


Enjoy. Have a great day.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Well that is not a video I should have been watching at work - I was laughing so hard I had tears rolling down my face!!! I wonder why other people's misfortune make us laugh. That was hilarious-thanks for sharing.