Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Are You Stuck In A Dead End Job?

If you're feeling bored and frustrated with your current job, you may want to check out this article titled, "Going Nowhere Fast." Generally, I think we all feel a little of that some of the time but if it's an overwhelming feeling that won't go away, then you may need to make a BIG move. Author Suzy Welch gives sensible, realistic advice that could get you back on track and motivate you to look for new opportunities.



penny stocks said...

I have a web site where I research stocks under five dollars. I have many years of experience with these type of stocks. I would like to comment about pennys stocks start small. I would recommend that the novice investors avoid those stocks that trade under 1 dollar on the over the counter bulletin board and pink sheets. these stocks are of very poor and very very speculative. I would instead recommend that investors in penny stocks stick with stocks that trade on the new york stock exchange or nasdaq. their rare exceptions when a stock under 1 dollar can be very profitable .I purchased a stock called overhill farms 14 years ago for 25 cents a share today the stock trades at 6 dollars a share and I still own the stock.

Unknown said...
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