Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Let Loose And Be A Kid Again

I want to be a kid again. Just for one night. I'll grab my glass jar and head outside at dusk. My eyes will scan the backyard. When I see the bug light up, I'll run over and carefully cup it in my palm. In the jar it goes. Then I'll do it again and again and again just like when I was a child. AH (sigh) ... those were the good times. When I think back at those hot summer nights I feel a sense of security and happiness that I must have also felt as a child. These days I want my three children to capture, not only, lots of fireflies but similiar memories. Sometimes, as an adult, it's hard to break away from all the exhausting responsiblities to enjoy the moment. Maybe I can help. I came across a great list in Woman's Day magazine and I wanted to share. It's called:

" 10 Ways To Be A Kid Again" (Woman's Day July 8, 2008)

1) Catch Fireflies
2) Camp in your backyard
3) Walk barefoot in the grass
4) Buy a treat from the ice cream man
5) Have a watermelon seed-spitting contest
6) See a movie at the drive-in (I didn't find any in the Peoria area. Visit driveinmovie.com for more details.)
7) Have a water balloon battle with your kids
8) Play hopscotch
9) Hula hoop or get on a pogo stick
10) Set up a lemonade stand with your kids

Enjoy your summer AND try to be a kid again, even if it's just for one night.

"Children make you want to start life over." - Muhammad Ali

1 comment:

My Flock Rocks! said...

What a great list! Actually I have done 7 out of the ten things this summer so far. It's hard to find a drive in that's close by, and I think I'd look a little silly opening up a lemonade stand in the front yard. Watermelon is on my grocery list for the seed spitting contest, but I'm going to need some practice...

We just bought a tent to set up in the backyard. Who knows, maybe this weekend we'll camp out!


I know...shameless plug :)