Thursday, April 17, 2008

No More Snacks!!

Who: Parents whose children play soccer, baseball, softball, any sport.
What: Let's ditch the snack schedule.
Where: Everywhere
When: Immediately
Why: The kids don't need the sugar (especially before dinner). It's another thing for me to remember.

Okay .. this has been on my mind for several years now and I can't hold back. It's been common practice that at the beginning of a new season (soccer, hockey, baseball, etc) a snack schedule is put together by the coach/manager. Parents are given a specific date to bring a treat and all the team members are given one after practice or a game. It usually ends up being a sugary snack (guilty!) with way too many calories. With all the talk of obese and overweight children in our country, doesn't this send the wrong message? Can't our kids run around for an hour without needing a sugary reward?

Don't get me wrong, my three children now look forward to and expect a snack after practice and would be very upset with me if they knew I was calling for an end to the snack schedule. But I can't keep quiet any longer. THE KIDS JUST DON'T NEED IT, ESPECIALLY AT DINNER TIME! And frankly, it's kind of a hassle for me too. I have three children in soccer this year. All of them are in different leagues because of their ages. All of them will be at different fields. I'm not complaining. I love the fact that my kids want to be involved and I enjoy watching them play. All I'm saying is this is just another for me to remember(or forget) as we rush out the door.

Some would probably like to tell me to stop trying to spoil the fun while others may suggest that I simply tell my children that they can't have the snacks. Yeah, right. Imagine that scenario (argument) two times a week. Not pleasant.

So to all the coaches, managers and parents out there, I'm calling for change. Either get rid of the snack schedule or request that parents bring in a healthy treat. Better yet, send the kids off with a nice pat on the back.

1 comment:

My Flock Rocks! said...

I agree...why do kids have to be rewarded with food?