Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Definitely, Maybe is definitely a chick flick!!

My girlfriends and I are starting a new tradition, one that will allow me to finally start enjoying movies. Every few weeks (or every time a new chick flick comes out) we're going to get everyone together for a movie at the theater. It's the only way I actually get to watch a movie. Usually, at home, we watch a kids movie or I'm too tired and end of falling asleep on the couch.

Last night, my friend Patty and I went to see Definitely, Maybe. It starred Ryan Reynolds, Isla Fischer, Elizabeth Banks among others. I LOVED IT and realized how much I missed going to the movies. It was a romantic comedy but the story was told in a unique way, through the man's perspective. When I got to the theatre, I was bothered by something that had happened earlier in the day. By the time I walked out, I was smiling and had a totally different perspective. It was a nice break from reality.

I can't wait til the next one.

Have you seen any great movies? I'd love to hear about them.

"The best proof of love is trust." - Joyce Brothers

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