Monday, February 18, 2008

Never Forget A Birthday

At the start of every year, I always tell myself I'm going to be a better friend/wife/sister/daughter/niece etc. I make an attempt to be more thoughtful and less forgetful when it comes to special occasions like birthdays. While reading the latest Woman's Day magazine I came across a great way to "Never Forget A Birthday."

You'll need 1) a folder 2) sticky notes 3) birthday cards 4) rubber bands.

Make a list of people to whom you want to send birthday cards.
Buy a bunch of birthday cards.
Use the sticky notes to label the cards with the person's name.
File the cards by month, using the rubber bands.
Put them in the folder.
Glance at the folder each month, fill-out the cards and feel better about yourself.

Have a great day.


Bruce said...

Lets check back in a few months to see if Nancy has actually done this.

Bruce said...

We did not have to wait a few months. Today is Nancys fathers birthday. Did he get a card on time? Nope. "I'm putting it in the mail tomorrow..."

Anonymous said...

And what about brother-jn-laws? Scott and I think you need some work in this area.