Monday, December 31, 2007

Making Changes in the New Year.

I love the start of a new year. And I love to make resolutions. And like every other year, my top resolution this year is to become more organized. What does that mean? I'll no longer stack mail and school papers on the counter and in my office. I'll clean out my closet and keep clothes off the floor. I'll dust and vacuum on a regular basis. I'll keep the clutter to a minimum. Whew. My husband will be glad to hear this. Oh wait. He has heard this before. Last year. Okay, I typically start the year off strong and then things kind of fall apart. Isn't that what resolutions are all about. Hope and then failure. No. I'm kidding. I choose to set goals and hope for great things in the new year. Don't we all need a "new beginning" once in a while .. or every year.

Have a safe and happy New Year's celebration. And set a resolution.

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