Monday, September 17, 2007

My Monday Blues

My week is not off to a great start. First, I didn't sleep very well last night. Then, finally I nod off about an hour or so before my alarm is set to go off. Once I wake up and get down to the kitchen, I discover my coffee maker has made an awful mess. I don't know what happened but there was it was .. on the floor, on the counter, in a drawer. I cleaned up that mess and then was late for work. On my way downtown, I look down and see that my engine light is on. OH MAN! We already have one car in the shop so this is not good news. Finally, I make it into the studio, sit in front of my computer, have some java and ahhhhh, I'm feeling much better now.

P.S. I know compared to some people this Monday doesn't sound so awful, but it was all happening at 4:30 in the morning.

Okay, I'll quit whining now.

Have a great day.

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