Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I hate libraries! No. Wait. I love libraries! But I hate what they do to me. Here's the deal. I'm unorganized and that's a bad trait when you check out dozens of books/audio books/videos from a library. For those of you who know me personally, there it is. I've finally admitted it. I'M HIGHLY UNORGANIZED. I like to think that I'm in charge of my life. I'm constantly writing lists. I have a calendar on my fridge that lists all of my family's activities for the week. The problem is that I lose things constantly. Papers litter my desk at home. And somewhere in my house there is another lost library book. YAARRGGGHHH! This lost-library-book habit began when I started checking out books for my children a couple of years ago. And still, no matter how hard I try, I cannot keep track of all the items. I even try limiting the number of books and videos we check out but it doesn't work. Inevitably, one item always turns up lost on the day everything is due. I search but come up empty-handed. I can't tell you how many times I've written a check for a late fee. Yes, a check. Then, with frustration in my voice, I simply state to my children that, "We are not going to the library any more. We are not checking-out any more books." Of course, I can't stick by my statement. This summer we signed up for the summer reading program at the Dunlap libary. I love to read and now my seven-year old is deveoping a love for books. So, here I am again. It's due-date-day at the library and there's a lost book. Oh well, I'll guess I'll just bring the check book.

By the way, I'll have my second summer reading list out soon. Enjoy!

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