Friday, May 25, 2007

Information Overload: Mom Moment

Okay, I had a "Mom Moment" this week. That's what I'm calling it, anyway. No, I didn't yell at my kids in public (that happens too) nor did I lock myself in my bedroom (yep, occasionally). Here's the story; like many households we're currently juggling too many activities and my brain went into information overload. My son and daughter are both in soccer, which means we're at Detweiler Park four days a week. Baseball also started and we're there three days a week. I teach fitness classes three days a week. YADA, YADA, YADA. Like I do every week, I drove up to the 24-teller to get some cash and punched in my ID code. DENIED. It said I had the wrong pin number. WHAT! I do this every week. So I sit there a moment and think, think, think. Still nothing. Then I call my husband at work. He doesn't answer. I end up having to drive away from the ATM with no cash. My brain simply shut down and frankly, even today I still can't remember my pin number. Mom Moment? Or Losing My Mind? Sometimes it's one and the same, isn't it? Have a great weekend. Slow down. And enjoy time with the kids. I hope to.

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