Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Rev Up Your Metabolism

I don't mean to be preachy .. I just want to want to pass along information that you might find helpful.

With that said .... I've been teaching fitness classes for the past 12+ years in Peoria and try to watch what I eat in an effort to be healthy. Like everyone else, I have my good and bad days. (I promise to start eating better after I finish that large cannister of chocolate covered raisans I bought at Costco. I couldn't help myself). Anyway, Family Circle (May 2007) printed this article about making over your metabolism and I wanted to share.

Make Over Your Metabolism

"It's a myth that your metabolism slows as you age. "Actually, most people simply become less active over the years," says endocrinologist Scott Isaacs, M.D., author of Hormonal Balance [Bull Publishing]. Here's how to stay slim:

Join the breakfast club. If lunch is your first meal of the day, your metabolism has likely slowed to preserve energy.

Get moving. Exercise boosts metabolism for up to 24 hours, and muscle burns more calories than fat. So try to walk an hour daily, and lift weights for 20 minutes three times a week.

Pack snacks. You'll store fat if you wait too long to eat, so have three small snacks daily. Try low-fat yogurt with granola or vegetable soup.

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